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Sunday, 27 October 2013

Children in Islam

children in islam

Children in Islam

 In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

Being Muslim its our Iman that Children are Sadqa-E-Jaaria for parents.All Muslim Parents are bound to raise their Children in Islamic ways.Those parents who fulfill their Duty well , will be rewarded in this world and in Hereafter and those who do not , will get bad results in this life and in Hereafter.

Imam  Bukhari and Muslim reported that the prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, "All of you are heads of a group and all of you are responsible for your groups; the ruler is the head of state and he is responsible for his people, the man is head of his family and responsible for his family, the woman is the head in her husband's house and she is responsible for the house. In short all of you are heads and responsible for your group."

Islam does not excuse anyone from responsibility.Raising  the baby girl is a big responsibility.
..teaching her to distinguish between right and wrong ,teaching her the value of hijab,teaching her to control her worldly desires and most importantly teaching her to be a true Muslimah instead of Barbie etc etc is a big task
The common mistake which mostly Muslim parents do while raising their children is Telling them fake stories of Barbie,batman,Harry potter etc etc instead of telling them the true stories of Sahabas and Umm-ul-Momineen
They will teach their children to take food with spoon and Fork but will not teach Sunnah Methods of Eating  They will let their children know about all fast foods and will not tell about Favourite Food of Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him.Normally people blame MOTHER for wrong teaching of children but i do not believe so...
There is a thing i would love to quote about Pakistan.Here Parents will teach their baby girls to cover their heads and use Abaya while going to college and Schools,but will not teach them to use Abaya and Hijaab while going to any wedding function and college functions.I have witnessed many Abaya wearing girls ,wearing Apparent clothes in college Parties this in Islam to use cover head while going to college and schools and Avoiding in college and Wedding Functions???? Obviously its NOT..
We people merely adopt that part of RELIGION which is in accordance with out EASE.I have also witnessed that people LOOK DOWN upon the girls who have covered their heads in wedding Functions and taunt them.Here I quote some Quranic verses about Women Dress!
O children of Adam, We have brought down to you garments to cover your private parts, as well as for adornment, yet the garment of reverence is the best. These are some of God's signs, perhaps they will remember." 7:26
The word 'hijab' appears seven times in the Quran. Five of them as 'hijab' and two times as 'hijaban', these are verses: 7:46, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51, 17:45 & 19:17.  

"And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and to guard their private parts and not to show their adornments except that of it which normally shows. They shall cover their cleavage with their ‘khimar’. They shall not show their adornments except in the presence of their husbands, their fathers, the fathers of their husbands, their sons, the sons of their husbands, their brothers, the sons of their brothers, the sons of their sisters, other women, their slaves, the male attendants who have no sexual desire and the children who are yet to attain awareness of women’s nakedness. They shall not strike their feet so as to reveal details of their hidden ornaments. You shall repent to God all you believers, so that you may succeed." 24:31
The Arabic word khimar means cover. Any cover can be called a khimar, such as a curtain, a dress. A table cloth that covers the top of a table is a khimar. A blanket can be called a khimar and so on. The word khamr, which is used in the Quran for intoxicants, has the same root as khimar. Both words mean that which covers. The khimar covers a window, a body, a table and so on, while khamr is that which covers the mind. Traditional translators, obviously influenced by Hadith and culture, claim that khimar in 24:31 has only one meaning, and that is veil or hijab. Thus, they mislead women into believing that 24:31 commands them to cover their hair! The correct meaning of the word khimar can easily be verified by consulting any Arabic dictionary.
"O prophet, tell your wives, your daughters and the wives of the believers that they shall lengthen their garments. This is better so that they will be recognized and not molested. God is Forgiver, Merciful." 33:59
"The elderly women who no longer anticipate marriage commit no error by relaxing their dress code, provided they do not flaunt their adornments, but to abstain from doing so would be better for them. God is Hearer, Knowledgeable."
From above Ayahz from Quran it is proven that there is no Partition about using Hijab just while going to college and schools .There is a need to teach our Females in Accordance with these GOLDEN rules so that they would be Ever-Lasting Sadqa-e-Jaria for Parents.
Islam sets the standards of decency for men Also...A man must always be covered in loose and unrevealing clothing from his navel to his knee.This is the absolute minimum covering required.Obeying all these Commands is a form of Obedience to ALLAH.
Narrated by Muslim, 2077.  
It is haraam for women to imitate men and men to imitate women in the way they dress, because the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the men who imitate women and the women who imitate men.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 5546.
Now men make an Excuse about not wearing Shalwaar-Qameez that they do not feel comfortable,some say they do not like... not know what thing lacks that people know about right and wrong but still do not act upon..!
May Allah Give Hidaya to all of us..
Allahumma Ameen



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